So much to do, so little time.  Some days there are just so many different things that need to get done that it’s hard to even know where to start.  Here at JumpLearn the website always needs updating, emails always need answering, and everything always needs better marketing.  And all of this has to be scheduled in between countless meetings.  By the end of the day, I always wonder where the time went and how I managed to get so little done.

Although I’m a fan of “Get Things Done”, I haven’t had the self-discipline to actually implement all of David Allen’s suggestions.  But my favorite is his suggestion to simply write down all of the to-dos that keep popping into your head when you should be doing something else.  That way the to-do item is recorded for later and your brain can get back to focusing on what you’re doing right now.  I like to keep a small notebook with me where I can jot down my ideas, then when I have time later that day I can review them and decide whether it’s truly worth the time or not.   Of course, everything seems important so my to-do lists tend to get a little out of control.

Fortunately, David Joud, owner of Dynamic Strategic Alignment, is here to help.  He will be offering his popular Time Management class on Friday, February 18, from 9:00AM – 11:00AM and again on Wednesday, February 23, from 9:00AM – 11:00AM.  Plus, JumpLearn is offering its special rates of $50/class through the end of February so take advantage of the deal.

If you need to manage your time more effectively, carve out a couple hours and come learn how to optimize your time.  Click here for more information or to register for the class.

12/4/2015 08:46:15 am

Really useful review! Thank's for sharing it! You're awesome writer!


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